Matthew 19:19 19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
I believe by now most of us are familiar with the statistics on abortion. But just to be sure, I just looked up the data, at “The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform.”
Worldwide there are approximately 42 Million abortions per year and 115,000 abortions per day: In the United States approximately 1.37 million abortions per year and approximately 3,700 abortions per day.
The two largest groups of women receiving abortions are between 20-24 obtain 32% while teenagers obtain 20%. 64.4% of all abortions are performed on never-married women.
When asked why they are having an abortion, 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient)[1]
Those numbers are staggering and tragic. As bad as these numbers are, they will only rise with the removal of the restraint on “partial birth abortions.” There has been a war waging since ‘Roe v. Wade’ hit the court system. There are people on both sides and this writer believes that ‘abortion-on-demand’ is nothing more than an “Oh no, I am pregnant; I need an abortion” solution, with little or no regard for the life inside. Just to set the facts straight for those of you who would say “but what about rape and incest?” According to the data, that number is only 1%. So abortion-on-demand is clearly a lifestyle decision.
Since 1973 we have become insensible to the fact that we are murdering the un-born. What is next on the agenda, the elderly? If so, at what age or medical/mental conditions would we select people to be led to the slaughter? Would people be in jeopardy if they had dementia or Alzheimer’s? Would that fall under the category of “unwanted or inconvenient”?
While those question may seem “over the top” I want to bring your attention to the statement of Baroness Warnock, a veteran UK government advisor and one of Britain’s leading moral philosophers in an interview with the Church of Scotland’s magazine, “Life and Work.”
Elderly people suffering from dementia should consider ending their lives because they are a burden on the National Health System (NHS) and their families.[2]
She goes on to say, “Pensioners in mental decline are “wasting people’s lives” because of the care they require and should be allowed to opt for euthanasia even if they are not in pain. She insisted that there was “nothing wrong” with people being helped to die for the sake of their loved ones or society. She hoped people will soon be “licensed to put others down” if they are unable to look after themselves.
At this point the UK has a National Health System, much like what the President, Congress and the Senate wants in the US. As the UK is facing this issue, so will we if we go to a national health plan. The push is on to allow “doctor assisted suicides” as well as all the arguments for those that are terminally ill. But read her comments closely
Elderly people suffering from dementia should consider ending their lives because they are a burden on the National Health System (NHS)
Pensioners in mental decline are “wasting people’s lives” because of the care they require
There was “nothing wrong” with people being helped to die for the sake of their loved ones or society.
She hoped people will soon be “licensed to put others down” if they are unable to look after themselves.
Reading between the lines identifies her argument. It is all about money. The cost of health care is expensive. In the words of Baroness Warnock, patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s are a drain on the budget, so for the sake of the families and society, “put them down.”
So my question is, “What is the worth of a human being.” The US has already decided that, in the case of abortion, it is not worth much if the baby is “unwanted or inconvenient.”
Folks, this is the future mankind faces. Just like abortion-on-demand, there could also be euthanasia-on-demand. They could murder an elderly person with approval of the state. And after all, that is what we have been doing with the un-born, should the elderly be any different? Baroness Warnock’s’ opinion certainly has had a lot of play on the internet. And sad to say, her opinion is gaining more attention every day in the US.
The general Christian position on “assisted suicide” is very simple. We believe that “life and death” is in the hands of God. It is God’s will that takes precedence over the will of man. When man becomes involved in matters of life and death, we have seen how that turns out. People murder people every day. In society, human life has very little value.
God gives life and He takes life. From the point of conception until natural death I believe that life is sacred. According to Ascension Health, defines “sanctity of life” as man “may never intentionally interfere with continued human existence in any form for any reason.”[3] The scriptures have many passages on the subject, but when God gave Moses the Commandments, He included “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” And that is just as valid today as it was in Moses time.
The Christian position is. “Man cannot nor should not ever be able to make that decision.” Instead of Roe v. Wade, I wonder what the name of the bill that will allow euthanasia be called. Perhaps the “Final Solution?”
That is my opinion, what is yours?